René Crauwels

Gimme gimme gimme M/90 !

3 Days Solo Bushcraft – Rock Camping – Finding Natural Mosquito Repellent -Camp Chair – Bowsaw Build

Solo trip sleeping under the stars. Only brought the one versatile canvas polish lavvu poncho, the tropen bag and a sleeping mat. Fishing and eating what I can find to make my rice and dried meat a bit more interesting, and using a natural mosquito repellent. Repellent worked great. Its said you need to put it on every 30 min but I felt the effect longer. Depends on the condition of the plant I think. I stuffed my side pocket and felt I could easily use this for some time and was lucky to have the plant in abundance at the location, but my bug-net in the tropen bag sure was nice to have. Some nice views over the lakes saying goodbye to summer. Im in need for colder weather now. Please remember if you find a big flat rock to camp on don’t light fires directly on it. You need to elevate it and protect the stone surface. Thanks for watching!

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