René Crauwels

Gimme gimme gimme M/90 !

AK47 vs AR15 | mud reliability test

After Žiga saw the first InRangeTV mud test of an AK47 he was shocked. The result was opposite of what he expected and it just didn’t make sense to him and his experience with both platforms.
Today we finally got the courage to do our own AK47 vs mud test.
So what we wanted to test here is how reliable are both of these rifles when dirt comes into the working of the gun.
It seems that our mud reliability test has given us a result that is closer to real life experience. Not that mud is a common reason for malfunctions but can be substituted by carbon fouling and lack of lubrication in an uncleaned or suppressed gun.
The AK doesn’t really mind but some ARs quickly develop hiccups – from bolt not going into battery to short stroking and double feeds.

So does our AK47 vs mud reliability test contradict the tests done by InRangeTV?
I would say not at all. InRangeTV tests have shown that AR is a more enclosed and tight fitting platform than an AK and that it does an amazing job of keeping dirt and debris out of the workings of the rifle. And our test showed that if some mud manages to infiltrate in the operating system of the rifle, the AK platform is more reliable and can keep on firing with bigger amounts of crud.

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Ammo provided by Sellier & Bellot

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