René Crauwels

Gimme gimme gimme M/90 !

3 Days Alone in the Winter Forest – Bushcraft and Camping in Snow – Off Trail Hike

Solo Bushraft in the cold. People might wonder why often there is weather change in my videos. Well not always but.. yes I like weather change and aim for it when I shoot videos. Its like I check the forecast and aim for it. Grey weather for a week is dull. When there is weather change stuff happens in nature.. the light changes etc.. animals move..sounds..its about catching those magic moments with the camera. Love the moment of first snow on bare ground. This time it happened in the night though but nice to wake up to the white.

Tried out a new setup with the Polish Lavvu. Even when there is some snow or mild rain it can be very effective. If the wind change just switch side. And even if its quite open the fire in the middle warms and dries out good. If you sit/lie under one half its almost the same feeling as being inside a heated teepee. But I guess it has its limits if the wind picks up or start to rain more etc.. but I figure.. then it would not be much work lifting up the pegs on one half and move the shelter in and button it together with the other. (especially if you would set it up with centre poles if you know bad weather is coming) Should be able to do that in five minutes if need be. Helps a lot to have a movable fire though. So a great new setup for me.

As always material for crafting are brought to site and not harvested on location. I have my favorite spots that I visit often and I am determined to leave nature pristine and unspoiled. Please follow the Swedish "Allemansrätt" when in Sweden.

Thanks for watching!

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