René Crauwels

Gimme gimme gimme M/90 !

Stage 2 | Finn-O-Vision 360 VR | Finnish Brutality 2021

Stage 2 of Brutality 2021: Konnunsuo

The video is filmed in 360, so feel free to look around!

This was quite a simple stage. The shooter starts in the trench, loaded and on safe. From the beep, the shooter fires one shot at the first target. Whether or not the shooter hits, they continue to the next target and fire one shot at it. Then onto the third target, one shot, back to the middle one, one shot… you get it.

The shooter continues this until they have made 13 hits, or until 180 seconds have passed.

Brutality 2021 images can be found on our Facebook:

Brutality matches are organized together with @InRangeTV. A big shout out to our sponsors @Sako, SISU trucks and Mil-Safarit, as well as our partners @Forgotten Weapons, @Bloke on the Range and @Polenar Tactical.

#finnishbrutality #finnishbrutality2021 #makedaddycome2022

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