I Got Hunted by Hundreds of ZOMBIES
THERE’S TOO MANY… Hundreds of zombies, two possible ways to survive. The helicopter is delayed and I’m trying to survive the zombie apocalypse at Ballahack Airsoft in Chesapeake Virginia. ► Thanks for subscribing! – https://tinyurl.com/yb4oo7yk
Check Out the Zombie Survival Videos ► https://youtu.be/w1C2aOkIvhA
Welcome aboard to the adventures of Swampsniper as I create video game and action movie experiences in real life. I love to awaken peoples inner child, their imagination, and creativity. It’s an honor to own Ballahack Airsoft Field and create these fun experiences for people.
Z7 is the 7th zombie apocalypse airsoft Battle at Ballahack!
CHECK OUT – @dudeperfect Airsoft Battles at my field!
► Airsoft Battle Royale – https://youtu.be/rQWb_oYS1tg?si=1pOEVP8dHNnRPb46
► Airsoft Battle Royale – https://youtu.be/nRYpj14DEvk?si=dxyzhOLkCMe5wMrA
THANK YOU so much for watching and please comment what you thought about the video and what you would like to see in the next Zombie event!
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Author: swampsniper