René Crauwels

Gimme gimme gimme M/90 !


Today I want to show you another extraordinary application of what in my opinion are the best and most advanced professional firearms tools: SIRT platforms that are not firearms but Laser technology diagnostic tools.
Many of you especially in the States surely already know them and many already use them even among the most important Government Agencies.
However, few, if not almost no one, exploits their full potential and limits themselves to working the tool only for DRY-FIRE, or 3% of its potential
As I have already announced and as you can also see from this video, September is the month from which I decided to start to guide you inside what is a world still mostly unknown, rather complex, based on absolutely new dynamics, on latest generation technologies and on innovative and I would say pioneering work methodologies.
Believe it or not, this new world represents the future of firearms training, the sooner you understand it, the sooner you will start changing the way you train.
But let’s get to the video and the Drill.
The HED Drill is one of the many exercises that are part of the ENDURANCE programs, in this case however it is a Hybrid exercise in which we use both the SIRT platform and the real firearm, in alternating phases.
Now, I would start by saying that my SIRT 115 S platform is practically a clone of my Glock 45 MOS, because not only is it also a G45 but it has the same accessories, same type of Red DOT, same flashlight, same overall weight and above all more or less the same trigger weight. This last point is essential because it indicates that every time my finger presses the trigger, it will apply the same type of force, pressure and movement that it applies in the real one.
❎ Well, having understood this, we can move on to the next point which represents the main objective of all drills based on Endurance Concept.
Imagine that each group of movements, actions or gestures that make up sequences such as, the Draw, the Trigger Action and any other sequence of the mechanics, are like structures like houses or buildings that have been built to resist earthquakes. Our task is to verify the actual resistance of these structures to earthquake and to do so we must generate load conditions, that is, generate a seismic event, and to be even more certain we will generate it of maximum entity, so as to see if the structures hold.
Now let’s translate all this into our world and try to understand better.
When you go to the range you normally shoot a rather limited number of shots consecutively, rarely will you get to shoot three or more consecutive magazines especially with the handgun and in any case only in very specific exercises.
This happens both for reasons of cost of ammunition and for a question of actual technical utility and last but not least for a question of time and practicality.
So basically your ordinary action at the shooting range, no matter how repeated, will never reach muscolar effort thresholds that reach the limit of functional capacity and not only of the index finger but of the entire hand chain.
The goal is precisely this, to evaluate the phase when the finger and the hand chain are brought to the limit of their functionality and under maximum charge of muscolar and joint effort.
Someone might wonder what purpose this type of dynamic could serve given that in reality, statistics show us an extremely limited duration of firefights and an absolutely limited number of shots. The answer is simple but the technical dynamics related to it are not at all.
Let’s say that if one day we are unfortunate enough to have to press that trigger in reality, even if we do it a limited number of times we will do it under enormous stress loads, which will alter our fine motor skills, our sensitivity and our mechanical capacity. In training, however, no matter how much we work on stress inoculation, we will never be able to recreate that type of condition
🔥So to achieve a massive alteration of the mechanics which is close to those conditions, we must push the entire chain finger-hand to the limit using a massive muscular and joint effort, produced in compressed time.
We will place a simple paper target or an electronic receiver/target as in the video at an average distance from 5 to 10 YDS it depends on the drill.
Then we will place a second paper or steel target at a variable distance depending on the type of technical objective and the type of Endurance drill that we will have to perform.

Full the complete article on FB Page

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Author: InstructorZero

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