René Crauwels

Gimme gimme gimme M/90 !


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Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe the time has come to share with you some results that we have obtained from some of the research and hundreds of tests that we have been carrying out in SIRT ACADEMY for a year now, even if we have been working on some dynamics since 2017.
In fact, our Center is not just a highly specialized Training Center or an Academy, but a laboratory in which every day we carry out study and research together with our team of specialists in various fields, from medicine, to neuroscience, from professional sports and Sports Sciences to Nutrition.
Ours is a place where ideas and intuitions take shape, passing from their theoretical projection to practical application. Through specific field tests, we obtain data and only following the analysis of that data can we talk about results, success or failure of an idea that has become theory and then transformed into practical application, be it an exercise, a technique, a technical principle or a new methodology.
The information that I have decided to share with all of you are something that could diametrically change your way of training, leading you to reduce costs by over 90%, to optimize your time to the maximum and finalizing a level of effectiveness in training-application translation, never achieved to date. Not only that, the information and concepts that I will share with you will perhaps bring you the greatest benefits, right in everyday life.
I warn you, however, that unfortunately since it is a complex subject they are not easy concepts but I will try to do my best to explain them to you in the simplest and most practical way possible. To do this I decided to write some articles and combine them with videos and technical content that will serve to support the technical explanation.
In an Industry in which superficiality, ignorance, arrogance and mere interests dictate the rules, in which gossip and slanders are the only technical exchange between professionals, in which the Ego is the unit of measurement of an Instructor, someone must say how they are doing really things.
Let’s start this journey from here, with this video of an extremely effective exercise that I will cover again and in depth in the next few days:
This is an extremely effective and easy to apply exercise both on the range and in DRY conditions. However, be careful not to confuse the ease of logistical structuring with the simplicity of the technical dynamics, because this is a much more complex drill than it seems. This exercise has various levels of difficulty and in the first video you can see some of them. The conditions, as always, are those that determine the technical and difficulty level of the exercise.
With the BLIND DRILL we begin to introduce some fundamental and essential technical concepts to be able to build and strengthen the main structures on which our sensorial interaction and therefore our ability to react to stimuli is based.
To date, 98% of any qualification, evaluation or mantenence test to evaluate a shooter and his technical skills are based only on two parameters: Time and Efficency.
The first is measured with phonochronometers (timers), the second through terminal ballistics on the target (holes).
Time is understood as reaction time and is measured on the basis of a single stimulus, which is always the same (BEEEEP), is pre-known, comes only from the auditory plane and lasts on average 0.20 twenty hundredths of a second, therefore extremely long.
We absorb the environment and interact with it 83% through sight and only 11% through hearing, so vision is clearly our dominant sense, yet there is no trace of visual stimuli in any technical evaluation of a shooter.
– Increase and speed up the neuromotor response to one or more simultaneous stimuli, with visual ones dominating.
– Increase and speed up the ability of dynamic visual screening of the environment, discrimination of the threat.
Secondary Technical Objectives:
a) Interaction with multiple simultaneous and different sensory stimuli
b) Interaction and reaction to stimuli NOT PRE-KNOWN
c) Introduction of the visual stimulus as the main marker
d) Introduction to reactivity with alteration and disturbance
of the neuroauditory and neurovisual levels
The Drill is divided into two phases, in the first the shooter starts with his eyes closed with a 360° target at variable distances, at the UP or GO (auditory stimulus) he must open his eyes and hit the target closest to the activating subject
(visual stimulus). In the intermediate levels, hearing impairment is added
(stressful noise)
In advanced levels the visual aspect will also be altered
(Low light and strobe)
We will deal with the second phase in the second part.

Go to Source of : the original author
Author: InstructorZero

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